Bava Kamma 85a - Pt 6
אומדין כמה אדם כיוצא בזה רוצה ליטול וכו':
צער במקום נזק היכי? שיימינן אמר אבוה דשמואל, אומדין כמה אדם רוצה ליטול, לקטוע לו ידו.
לקטוע לו ידו? לא צער לחודיה הוא הא כולהו חמשה דברים?
איכא ועוד- בשופטני עסקינן? אלא לקטוע ידו הקטועה.
ידו הקטועה, נמי לא צער לחודיה- איכא הא צער ובושת, איכא דכסיפא ליה מילתא למשקל מבשרו למשדייה לכלבים!
אלא אומדין כמה אדם רוצה ליטול- לקטוע לו ידו
המוכתב למלכות בין סם לסייף.
האי ליטול ליתן מבעי ליה? אמר רב הונא בריה דרב יהושע ליטול זה מזה מה שנתן זה:
(Mishnah): 'it has to be calculated how much a man of equal standing would require to be paid to undergo such pain. …'
(Gemara): How do we evaluate pain when there is also Nezek? (He already receives compensation for losing the limb)!
We evaluate how much one like this would want to receive to have his leg or arm cut off.
This is wrong. He would demand money equal to all five damages! A normal person would not agree to have his limb cut off for any sum of money!
We evaluate how much one like this would want to receive to have his limb cut off if it was mutilated/dangling (and useless). That is too much, for it also entails embarrassment (that his limb will be fed to dogs)!
We imagine that the king had decreed that his limb must be cut off; we evaluate how much one would want to receive to have it cut off the way the damager did this, as opposed to through a potion (painlessly).
A normal person would not agree to cause himself pain on condition to receive money!
We imagine that the king had decreed that his limb must be cut off. We evaluate how much one would pay to have it cut off (painlessly) through a potion, as opposed to the way the damager cut it.
Shmuel's father said that we evaluate how much one like this would want to receive, not to pay!
He means, the victim receives from the damager what a man would pay to the king (to have his limb cut off painlessly).
How does the Talmud decide what pain is worth? Is it fair, in your opinion?