Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Im Ain Ani Li...?

משנה מסכת אבות
א:יד הוא (הלל) היה אומר, אם אין אני לי, מי לי; וכשאני לעצמי, מה אני; ואם לא עכשיו, אימתיי.

This famous phrase by Rabbi Hillel tells us a lot about the attitude in Judaism of self vs. other

Add you comments and thought below


  1. Sarah Pomerantz Bonus #1
    This important phrase in Judaism and conveys the attitude in Judaism about self and other. You need to take care of yourself first otherwise no one will care for you but you also have to take care of others. I think that this text is all about finding the balance between self and other. When should you take care of yourself and when should you put others first. An example of this is on an airplane. When the oxygen masks drop when there is low cabin pressure you need to put your own on first and then assist others around you. The Talmud talks about four categories of people. The selfish, generous, average, and the moron. Being average is what most people believe which is what is yours is yours and what is mine is mine. I think that if everyone can be a little more generous than selfish would make the world a better place. For example, if everyone gave more than they took it would make society better.
    The lsat sentence states if not now when? This is very important in both cases of self and other. If you only care about yourself you may never change and decide to be more generous and same goes viva versa. It is important to find the balance between taking care of yourself and putting others first.

    1. matthew
      It may be an important phrase in judaism but it also should be taught outside of judaism. This quote talks about who is more important you or someone else. This is like my life right now, with finals and homework. you should study for finals before you help someone else study. when should you help someone else or when should you help yourself this is very much dependent of the situation itself, if it is life or death and there is time take care of yourself before the other person, and if there is no time you should talk the person through what you are doing so they can help them self.

  2. I find that this text is very popular for a reason. It sends a very powerful message. It gives the reader a sense between the perfect balance in life. The first line is "If I am not for myself, who will be for me?" This line tells us that it's important to take care of yourself and to not forget to sometimes allow ourselves to ourselves first. The second line is "If I am only for myself, what am I?" This lines tells us that although our natural urge is to be selfish, we should still be good and do good to others and to be humane to one another. The third and final line is "And if not now, when?" This line says that nobody should wait until its a 'good moment' to do a positive action. There is no point in standing around and waiting and that doing something good as often as you can is the best thing to do. All of these verses each contribute an important aspect of life and to treat yourself and others throughout your life. They all express a different side to look at your life and tries to urge its readers to live with as much of a balance in your life as you can and represent self-correction.

  3. Alex Gage comment #10
    If i am not for myself then who will be for me is a very popular yet true statement. it is true because if you do not believe in yourself nor have any confidence no one will stand behind you. self verses other is tied in with this because you must be for yourself However, you must be kind to others and not be a selfish introverted individual. There is no good in being completely 100% for yourself. but if you are completely for others and not at all for yourself then people will walk all over you. this is why I agree with Ariane because she talks about the perfect balance about how to manage your life and others at the same time. However, if you are too selfish no one will stand behind you, and you will end up high and dry with no other direction to go to other than down. this one saying gives an insight as to what things are all about. Balance.

  4. Laurel Esstman #12, extra credit
    This phrase I think is the answer to our self vs other unit. "If I am not for myself than who will be for me." It makes us think about ourselves and others. If we do not take care of ourselves first than who is there to take care of us. We have parents and friends, but they will take care of themselves first, if we choose to take care of someone before ourselves who will have our best interest in mind.
    But at the same time we have to take care of each other after ourselves. If we only care about ourselves you will get no where in life. You will have no one to care about you. As humans we need people to care for us and to have our best interests in mind when sometimes we don't. Overall this quote can be seen in many different ways but it says we have to put ourselves first and than we can care for the others around us.

  5. This text, above all, is empowering. It teaches us (although I am not sure if these were the intended lessons) that YOU come first. I, as an individual should strive to improve upon myself before striving to change others.If I am not for myself, then WHO will be for me. I decided to follow up with some research on what self- empowerment looks like, and I stumbled upon this. This website teaches random people in our society, that they matter and that it is they themselves whose opinion truly matters. Think this connects greatly with these inspirational words by Rabbi Hillel.
